Eye Model


Graphics:Eye Model





EyeModel[dx_, dy_, defocusangle_, scatter_, pupilsize_, opts___] creates an optical model of a standard human eye.

EyeModel is based on the work of Navarro (See the OSA paper: Off-axis aberrations of an wide-angle schematic eye model by Isabel Escudero-Sanz and Rafael Navarro) and uses a spherical retinal surface as well as thin-lens defocusing element that is governed by the input defocus parameters: dx and dy (given in units of diopters). The defocusangle determines the angle of rotation (degrees) about the pupil center for the defocus effects. The scatter parameter is used to specify the amount of diffuseness of the retina (See SphericalDiffuserMirror). The pupilsize parameter determines the diameter of the pupil opening. In general, EyeModel is created with spatial units of millimeters.

The Resonate -> False option offers the fastest ray-trace model and generates a list of optical surfaces that assumes a sequential light path that begins with the outer cornea surface and then progresses through to the retina before reflecting and reverse tracing sequentially back out the cornea. Otherwise, Resonate -> True can be used to model arbitrary paths through the eye with multiple bounces.

The Reflectance and Transmittance options control the optical behavior of the retina. By default, the retina is modelled as a diffusely reflective surface. With Reflectance -> 0, the retina is instead modelled as screen that allows the rays to pass through. With Transmittance -> 0, the retina is otherwise modelled as an opaque surface that absorbs the rays.

You can use the Source option to insert light sources within the eye. In particular, EyeModel changes the starting refractive index value of the specified light source according to its starting position within the eye model structure.

See also: CorneaData, PupilData, LensData, RetinaData, CorneaMedium, AqueousMedium, LensMedium, and VitreousMedium.






LensData -> {{functionname1,curvatureparameters1,surfaceboundary1,surfaceposition,surface1options}, {functionname2,curvatureparameters2,surfaceboundary2,surfaceseparation,surface2options}} defines that surface characteristics for the outer and inner surfaces of the lens.

In particular, functionname1 and functionname2 indicate the Optica function name used to define the outer and inner lens surfaces. Note that surfaceposition denotes the outer lens surface position relative to the origin of the eye coordinate system while surfaceseparation indicates the spacing between the two lens surfaces.


RetinaData -> {radiusofcurvature,retinaboundary,retinaposition,options} defines that characteristics of a spherical rentina.

In particular, radiusofcurvature indicates the retina radius of curvature while the retinaboundary specifies the active diameter of retinal model. Note that retinaposition denotes central distance of the retina from the front lens surface.


CorneaData -> {{functionname1,curvatureparameters1,surfaceboundary1,surfaceseparation1,surface1options}, {functionname2,curvatureparameters2,surfaceboundary2,surfaceseparation2,surface2options}} defines that surface characteristics for the outer and inner surfaces of the cornea.

In particular, functionname1 and functionname2 indicate the Optica function name used to define the outer and inner corneal surfaces. Note that surfaceseparation1 denotes the inner corneal thickness while surfaceseparation2 indicates the space between the cornea and lens of the eye. In this space is also located the pupil of the eye.


CorneaMedium -> {{wavelength1,refractiveindex1},{wavelength2,refractiveindex2},...} defines that refractive index model for the cornea region of the eye.


AqueousMedium -> {{wavelength1,refractiveindex1},{wavelength2,refractiveindex2},...} defines that refractive index model for the aqueous region between the cornea and the lens in the eye.


VitreousMedium -> {{wavelength1,refractiveindex1},{wavelength2,refractiveindex2},...} defines that refractive index model for the vitreous region (in front of the retina) of the eye.


LensMedium -> {{wavelength1,refractiveindex1},{wavelength2,refractiveindex2},...} defines that refractive index model for the lens region of the eye.


Lambertian is an option of the AddRandomRayTilt and ScatterRays that indicates whether the diffused light is equally distributed about the surface normal or is distributed with the direction of the incoming ray.

For Lambertian -> True, the scattered rays are oriented about the surface normal. For Lambertian -> False, the scattered rays are oriented with the incoming ray direction.

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